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Prof. Dr. Martin Lange
Theoretical Computer Science / Formal Methods
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Kassel, Germany

Main research interests
Logic in computer science, in particular modal and temporal logics with applications to automatic program verification, concurrency theory, program analysis, AI, computational linguistics, etc.
Didactics in computer science, in particular tool-supported learning.

Contact details
Email: first name DOT last name ÄT uni MINUS kassel DOT de
(Incoming email is filtered for spam automatically. If you do not get a response to an email please call me.)
Tel. (office): +49 561 804 6261
Office hour: Tuesdays, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Office: Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, 1317
Postal address: FG Theoretische Informatik / Formale Methoden
FB Elektrotechnik / Informatik
Universität Kassel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
D-34121 Kassel

Secretary (Mon, Wed-Fri afternoons; Tue mornings)
Name: Frau Tina Landefeld
Email: sekretariat-fm ÄT uni MINUS kassel DOT de
Tel.: +49 561 804 6621
Office: Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, 1305

My Erdös number is at most 2, for example through Erdös - Shallit - Lange.
See my author profile on Google Scholar and my publications as listed on DBLP.